Advanced Health and Safety

Scan those paint swatches and choose a low VOC paint! Ākonga will be working for a simulated interior decorating and painting company who have been contracted to re-design and renovate a classroom to make it a more exciting space for teenagers. Skills acquired on this course will be usefully applied to any workplace or job role.

What you’ll learn

Day One: I spy another hazard! Today ākonga will understand how to identify hazards and risks in a range of workplace contexts and use the hierarchy of controls to minimise these risks. Later, ākonga will be trained to safely work for a simulated interior decorating and painting company. Groups will use catalogues and samples to create a Client Design Proposal for the simulated renovation of a classroom.

Day Two: Workplace training continues as ākonga safely practise practical tasks including using masking tape and paint to create clean lines and patterns. Lastly, using the steps required for the classroom renovation task, ākonga will create Safe Work Method Statements that assess and reduce any risks involved with the task.

Custom School Bookings

For secondary schools, we can create this course for your learners. We simply require a minimum of 14 learners for the course to go ahead. If you don't have enough learners, we can promote within other schools to reach our requirement.

We'll work with your timetable
Let us do the logistical juggle
No upfront payment, we'll invoice you
Dedicated support for learner needs

Course Requirements:

  • Learners must be year 12 or 13

  • Recommendation of up to 20 ākonga per course

This course gains the learner 11 credits at level 3.




2 Days


9am - 3pm

Unit Standards

US Title



Assessment Style


Apply health and safety risk assessment to a job role



Written and Practical


Undertake job safety analysis



Written and Practical